Friday, April 06, 2007

NCoverExplorer... v1.3.6

Some of you may already have noticed the long awaited release of NCover 1.5.7 yesterday - hoorah! That now being out of the way and in conjunction with some easing of my day job pressure, has made it a good time for me to finally rollout an NCoverExplorer update.

Note - if you have downloaded NCoverExplorer or TestDriven.Net over the last week or so you may want to do so again. I have been sneaking in fixes for issues right up until this blog posting. Check the downloads page to make sure you have the very latest build number.

This is predominantly a bug-fix release, addressing a range of issues that have accumulated over the last six months. Of utmost importance was improving the coverage result accuracy from either the merging of multiple coverage.xml files or multiple AppDomains within a single file. Some of you have experienced issues with the "optimisations" of removing noop sequence points that NCover 1.5.4, 1.5.5 and 1.5.7 apply in different ways. This resulted in duplicated nodes in the treeview, or lower than expected coverage with brackets being shown as not hit etc. My thanks to everyone who contributed to the testing of this with their coverage files/repro projects and patience while I got the kinks out.

On the new feature front, the biggest is a "Find Type" dialog (ctrl+F) allowing you to navigate to types by entering their name (supports * for a wildcard).

A change to previous behaviour is to the fail on minimum coverage option for NCoverExplorer.Console. Based on feedback this has now been changed so that any assembly not reaching the threshold will cause the build to fail, rather than total coverage.

All the other tweaks and fixes can be found in the release notes.

I have updated the NCoverExplorer Extras download containing the NAnt and MSBuild tasks. The <ncover> task now uses a reference counting style approach to the registration of coverlib.dll, which should get around issues reported on build servers of simultaneous build issues if you got unlucky with the timings.

The task now includes a registerProfiler optional attribute for those of you using TypeMock - you can set this to "false" to ensure the NCover task does not try to register CoverLib.dll itself.

There is an enhancement to the <nunitproject> task to support the appbase property for people using multiple testing folders (thanks to Garth Williams).

Another addition is a new <ndoc2> NAnt task in there for anyone using NDoc2 Alpha as I blogged about in this post. Documentation is available via the links on this page but anyone familiar with the <ndoc> task should be happy. I've used it for generating CHM documentation without any problems.

For any issues with the release or further enhancement suggestions, please post to the NCoverExplorer forums or send me an e-mail (Help -> Send Feedback).

A quick further mention on NCover 1.5.7. This is a mandatory upgrade for every NCover user as far as I am concerned. Peter Waldschmidt's major rewrite of the profiler core and the addition of an integration test suite sets up a great platform for future releases. I've been fortunate to be able to chip in here and there on this release, although arguably more nuisance than help at times to Peter I'm sure!

I am highly optimistic however that this is the most solid NCover beta to date and was worth the wait to get it right. Top stuff Peter and many thanks for all the effort!

Last but certainly not least, Jamie Cansdale has made available a new build of his excellent TestDriven.Net add-in. Amongst other goodies this now includes the latest build of NCoverExplorer, NCover 1.5.7 and Visual Studio Express SKU support. Right-clicky clicky goodness...

Release Notes


At June 28, 2007 6:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any thoughts on when you'll either a) support NCover 1.5.8 (I need the //pm option) or b) support passing in custom command line options to ncover so that as ncover changes, there's less tension for new matching releases of ncover explorer?

Chris Sells

At June 28, 2007 11:24 pm, Blogger kiwidude said...

Hi Chris,

I've responded by email but for anyone else wondering. The NAnt/MSBuild task support //pm as of The NCoverExplorer 1.3.6 gui does not however. I'm hoping to add support and your suggestion of an open ended command line arguments box in NCoverExplorer 1.4.0.

At March 09, 2025 9:57 pm, Anonymous Ray H said...

I appreciate the improvements to coverage result accuracy and find type dialog.


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